Club Layouts

Layouts being built by members of the club.


Mulldale is a 7mm (1:43) scale industrial scene incorporating 16.5mm track (2 6” narrow gauge) set somewhere in Northern England in the late 50’s early 60’s.

The railway serves to move raw materials/goods around the Mulldale Castings & Engineering Co. and other small businesses set betwixt a canal and high-level main line viaduct.

This layout, with the exception of ancillary vehicles, is kit/scratch built with no prototypical references.

New N Gauge Layout
This yet to be named N Gauge layout is the society's latest 9mm gauge project, started in late 2012. The design was shaped by the reuse of existing baseboards recycled from a previous N Gauge layout that failed to reach fruition. A simple track design was chosen incorporating two independent loops converging at a central main station with multiple platforms...